The Honey Hunters: A Heritage of
Skill and Courage

Fearless adventurers who climb high cliffs and brave the wild to gather sweet, prized mad honey. With rich traditions passed down through generations, they maintain a deep connection with nature, tradition, and incredible Himalayan giant bees.

A Day in The Life of
Honey Hunter

Honey Hunter lives his life on his own terms, often hovered with uncertainty and thriller. He never knows how his life might unfold at one moment and the other. He sets out on the honey-hunting mission with other honey-hunting brothers when the time and season are favorable. Other times, he processes the honey to sell outside the village and enjoys in the mountains and with his family like a normal countryman would fancy.

Person walking in village

The Steps Before Honey Hunting

Honey hunting isn’t just a solo adventure; it involves important pre-steps that happen before the actual hunt. While these preparations might not get much attention, they are what contribute to making the honey hunt victorious.

Rope Making

You wouldn’t want to take a chance with a rope while hunting for the mad honey. Likewise, honey hunters require a strong and durable rope to have a robust grip. They pick bamboo fibers and measure the length. Once they’ve got the right length, they braid the material together for extra strength. Sometimes, they also add hooks or grips to make the climb easy and help pull up those honey-filled basket

Rangkemi Tribute

In the ceremony, they sacrifice chickens and sheep, plus offer flowers, fruits, and rice to please the Bee Spirit - Rangkemi. The Honey Hunters bow their heads before the altars saying their prayers to the Rangekemi. After a while, they perform a dance ritual and chant in gibberish by holding bamboo in one hand and another with a pot of water.

Finding Site 

They carefully navigate tough terrain to find the Himalayan Giant Bees, keeping an ear out for the distinctive hum, watching for signs of aggression, and savoring the sweet, smoky aroma of mad honey. These magnificent nests are at impressive heights of 3,500 meters, with cold temperatures, thin air, and rough landscapes.

Igniting Fire 

During the hunt, they carefully forward each step towards the cliff and set out on their journey of honey hunting. They ignite the fire using green grass to cause smoke to distract bees from stinging. After an escape from the bees, they hunt the mad honey.

Honey Hunting 

After the smoke covers the cliff and successfully distracts the honey bees, one hunter tilts the nest with a bamboo stick and later cuts the uncovered honeycomb, while another hunter waits with a wooden basket lowered down to the ground for Himalayan red honey to drip on it.

Filtering Process 

The process of filtering mad honey involves using a bamboo filter, locally known as chhora. While mad honey is naturally pure, wax residues often accompany it from the honeycomb. The chhora removes these residues, ensuring clarity and smoothness. This process preserves the rich quality and potency of honey while removing any unwanted particles.

Honey Hunting Community

The Gurung Honey Hunters are a close-knit community built on teamwork and genuine friendship. With their root in tradition, they are finally getting their much-awaited recognition. Medicinal Mad Honey is proud to work with such a wonderful group; their hard work has not only benefited them but has also helped us build a successful mad honey brand. Together, we've teamed up with 2,100 honey hunters and supported over 1,200 local communities, creating a brighter future for everyone involved!


The Battle of Challenges

As daunting as honey hunting may seem, the reality of the hunt is even more challenging. While the end result is the deliciously unique mad honey, the obstacles honey hunters face are lethal. They are endlessly on the edge of danger. But remember, no pain, no gain!


Deadly Bee Stings

The giant honeybees are fiercely protective of their territory and don’t take kindly to intruders, hence they greet honey hunters with painful stings


Risk of Falling

They live with the constant fear of falling from the steep cliffs that might risk their lives.


Rough Terrains:

They don’t have a smooth journey as they trek through rugged terrain, tackling steep hills and rocky paths.

The Future of Honey Hunting

Not many know the importance that mad honey holds and the possible economy it generates. But, slowly the whispers are on the streets about the honey hunting and honey hunters. While there is a growing conflict among honey hunters, there's also a glimmer of hope with the recent exposure of honey hunting in Western countries. The honey hunting business is growing and glowing.

Young boy going for mad honey harvest

Giving Back to the Community

Our founder Rashmi strongly believe in giving back to her community; the community which was her inspiration to begin her dream work for introducing Nepal to the world. Since the beginning, she have vouched for sustainable practices that not only preserve the ancient art but also the honeybees. 

We provide resources, fund their children's education, and support honey hunters to enhance their quality of life. Plus, we share a percentage of the profits that they make from selling the mad honey as a small gesture to honor the community–that built them. 


Testimonials from the Community

We share a genuine friendship with the Gurung community of a good, solid 5+ years. Every year, the bond seems to grow more fonder and stronger. We have not only worked as business partners but also as a team. 

The community is filled with polite and humble people, which has enabled us to communicate smoothly. We could agree and disagree on mutual terms. Here’s what our friends have to say about working with us.

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